
Penguin Competition Results

At the end of last year we launched a competition to name our penguin. We had a wide variety of entries, but the team all loved the name Pixel, which was sent in by our winner, Lizi Legge.

Lizi is the winner of a penguin adoption package, which we have arranged in partnership with Hertfordshire Zoo.

Pixel the penguin is now going to be our mascot, and he’ll be appearing far more in our marketing. Penguins are strong and resilient, just like our ads, so we thought what better character to represent all that we do?

Firstly Pixel is launching his own newsletter, which will be packed full of top tips and guidance on all things relating to digital display ads. To receive this monthly newsletter, all you need to do is fill in our sign up form.

We are also working on a brand new advertising campaign with Pixel and lots more. Whatever your marketing plans are for 2024, if you want to include digital display advertising, then Fluid Ads can help. Why not dip your toe in with a Pilot Campaign? If there is any way we can support you, let us know.